MillMaster “Clearer Assistent” - take a look into the future

Spinning mills always face the difficult task of achieving the best possible balance between yarn quality and production efficiency. The MillMaster TOP with its “Clearer Assistant” offers a highly efficient way to master this challenge. In the left-hand column, the “Clearer Assistant” shows the production data with the corresponding reference lengths, wound length in kilometers and the amount produced in kilograms. The right-hand panel can be used to try out different settings in order to determine how this might influence the number of cuts in relation to the yarn quality.
Solutions & Benefits
These informative forecasts make it possible to take interesting approaches. As illustrated in Figure 1, the clearer settings have been adjusted to be much more sensitive (curve and classes). The cut forecast shows only a marginal increase in the number of cuts from 41 to 44 cuts per 100 km of wound yarn. Based on this information, the spinner can now produce a better yarn quality without the risk of reducing machine efficiency.
In addition, there is another important benefit. If, contrary to expectations, the number of cuts increases, this may be a clear indication that some parameters which influence the yarn characteristics have changed in the upstream processes. Based on this knowledge, measures can now be initiated immediately.
The MillMaster TOP "Clearer Assistant" also allows a decision to be made, based on the forecast, as to which increment in efficiency can be achieved with a reduction in clearing sensitivity. Figure 2 shows, on the left, the production data of a recently launched article with a manufactured quantity of 148 kg. For this article, the short defects were rigorously eliminated. The result was many cuts and therefore a low machine efficiency. After opening the clearer setting in this area, the number of short defect cuts was reduced from 41 to 24 and the production efficiency increased significantly.

And there is more! If, in spite of everything, an end customer complains about a specific yarn, the corresponding lot can be called up in MillMaster Top and the clearer settings can be tracked in the “Clearer Assistant”. The setting can then easily be adjusted so that the yarn imperfections, that were the subject of the complaint, will in future be removed.
The effect on the number of cuts is displayed immediately on the right-hand side. If this increases the cut rate significantly, consideration should be given to rethinking the entire product process or the choice of raw material for this yarn.
In summary, this means that every spinning mill equipped with the MillMaster TOP "Clearer Assistant" has the power to determine – in advance - its yarn quality and production efficiency per item. This opens up a world of new opportunities in terms of targeted yarn quality, increased production efficiency and profitability.
MillMaster TOP "Clearer Assistant" also gives spinning mills greater power to protect their own interests in the event of customer complaints and implement targeted measures to produce a satisfied customer and profitable order.